Note, when reading this, that these products are not direct competitors, but rather a sampling of available antifouling technologies. For instance, Interlux makes a water-based antifoulant and Pettit offers a copper-free antifoulant. Keep in mind, as you read, that the type of technology used will account for many differences in coverage, launch times and so forth, as opposed to any brand difference.

| |Pettit requires each coat at 3.5 mils wet-film thickness (WFT); Pacifica Plus requires 3 mils WFT. Just dip this easy-to-use card gauge into a trial swipe with your roller or brush to see how much to load up your painting tool for best application.|
Interlux Pacifica Plus
• Crack the Can: You’re hit with a solvent smell somewhat less robust than most, but still strong.
• Apply: A very viscous paint containing 66 percent solids, yet it offered very little drag with either roller or brush. Less tiring to use than Hydrocoat, in my opinion. Two coats recommended. At 73 degrees F it can be re-coated in four hours and launched in six hours. Clean up with Interlux Special Thinner 216 (Xylene).
• Finish: Low sheen, dark black
• Coverage/Price: 528 square feet per gallon/$170 to $210 per gallon depending upon color,
Pettit Hydrocoat
• Crack the Can: Very little odor; makes it more pleasant than Pacifica Plus to use. The can is plastic, so it won’t leave a rust ring when stored aboard, or in your garage, for that matter.
• Apply: Brush drags a bit. The paint’s volume of 40 percent solids is less than that of Pacifica Plus, but it’s water-based, so not as “thinned” as the solvent-based Interlux product. Two coats recommended. Can be overcoated in three hours at 70 degrees F and launched in 16 hours. Clean up with soap and water.
• Finish: Matte, more a dark, dark brown than black
• Coverage/Price: 430 square feet per gallon/$105 per gallon,
Easy-On Bottom Wax
• Crack it Open: It’s a wax — what am I? A bee? Couldn’t smell a thing.
• Apply: Wipe it on real thin. No buffing required. Just wait 12 hours and then launch. Clean up with soap and water.
• Finish: Clear; no change in substrate color
• Coverage/Price: 180 square feet per 15-ounce bottle/$60,
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