Why A Kayak?
We’ve had a tradition of taking on long-term project boats, but this year we are taking on…a kayak?
Yes, a kayak. A Hobie Mirage Revolution 11, a pedal powered yak that burns the Big Mac you ate rather than petroleum fuel. It may seem odd that a magazine dedicated to powerboats takes on a hardcore evaluation of a kayak, but it makes sense.
For one, most of you out there own more than one boat. Maybe you’ve got a center console, and a PWC or a jon boat, and are thinking of adding a kayak to the roster. Here’s an idea: Load the kayak onto your big boat and take it long distances to explore those skinny-water back creeks you’ve always noticed off the main channel. We’ve done it, and it’s a great way to combine the benefits of both to do something like, say, chase crocodiles.

We took the maiden voyage in the Mirage Revolution 11 yesterday, and it’s pretty cool. The foot pedal action made it really easy to cross an open bay and position myself, with rod in hand, to cast at fish-holding structure. (This would have been easier accomplished without a 20-knot wind.)
The paddle bungees out of the way on the hullsides, and when you want to use that rather than your feet, is there for the ready. The pedal system actually removes to give the boat a draft of near zero, and the steering rudder retracts as well.
We’ll be pairing this kayak with our own powerboat and undertaking some adventures in the coming weeks. We’ll keep you posted.