August 22, 2011
Moments ago, Yamaha just announced the launch of a fleet of new boats and watercraft. By special arrangement, we were able to make sure you, our loyal readers, friends, and followers, would be the first to hear about it.
Yamaha invited us to test ride the new boats a few weeks back, –on one condition: that we agreed not to go public until right now: August 22, 2011.
Because of the backstage pass we were afforded, we were able to get the first look and today want to share with you a video shot by longtime Contributing Editor, Jeff Hemmel. Enjoy Jeff’s insights, then click the photos at the bottom of the page for detailed info on each and every one of the new Yamaha boats and Watercraft.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter because we’ll be bringing you more “First Looks” whenever we can.
The Boating Team
All New 2012 Yamaha Boats: |




All New 2012 Yamaha WaveRunners: |


| |**FX HO**| **FX Cruiser HO**| |


| |**FX SHO**| **FX Cruiser SHO**|
Yamaha Boats – Kennesaw, Georgia;