_**For a gallery of the Mako 284 Center Console in action click here.**_
The Mako name has meant rugged, hard-edged fishing and no nonsense to those fans and owners who’ve followed the brand through changing hands over the decades. Now, Mako Marine has retooled its flagship 284 Center Console, retaining its rugged, fishable lines while giving a new level of refinement to the overall comfort and utility of this serious fisher.
I ran the boat hard in four-foot seas and loved its ability to maintain stability as I worked the throttles through our 500 rpm test pattern. It accelerated with reasonable bow rise, crushed four-foot seas with aplomb and easily maintained course in head and following seas, keeping its footing at all throttle ranges. The 284 CC scored 100 in those categories and got a “plus” in my notes — because I was even able to take notes. In a light chop, it’s capable of 51 or 52 mph, but trimmed for seas it steadied at 47.
Back in port I started lifting hatches, like the one concealing the main bilge, where all the plumbing, fuel filters and bilge pumps are easily accessible for service or inspection. In the enormous console a wide starboard door offered comfortable egress to a three-step ladder. It wouldn’t be out of the question at all for boaters to seek refuge from bad weather under the console, and it certainly offered ample space for changing or for using the portable head. It also offered workable maintenance access to the electronics panel.
Deck hatches to storage compartments and lids to livewells featured rubber gaskets to keep contents dry — or in the case of the livewell, to keep the water in. Nonskid decking all around appeared crisp and did its job on this damp test day.
At the helm, the wide, heavily padded seats offered comfort and a clear view of the way ahead, whether standing or seated. The electronics, Lowrance HDS-series units, were in clear view and angled to minimize glare. There was plenty of room to step up to 12-inch displays if one’s taste and wallet were so inclined. A glass windshield offered protection from spray, though we took only a few droplets over the bow in our rough-weather test. Glass is scratch-resistant and remains clearer longer than plexiglass any day, and we applaud the improvement.
The Mako 284 CC lived up to its bulletproof reputation, and the refinements brought added comfort, fishability and just a little lipstick to its venerable reputation.
Comparable model: Sailfish 2860