Beam: 10’6″
Draft (max): 2’1″
Displacement (approx.): 9,000 lb. (loaded and with power)
Transom Deadrise: 22 degrees
Bridge Clearance: 9’0″
Max Cabin Headroom: 6’0″
Fuel Capacity: 225 gal.
Max Horsepower: 600
Available Power: Twin outboard motors to 600 hp
More Information: huntyachts.com Onne van der Wal

That Hunt Yachts’ 32 CC performs better than most boats should come as no surprise, given Hunt’s legacy and the fact that many other builders utilize Hunt’s design services. Notable is that the 32 CC maintains better than 1 mpg efficiency no matter how hard and how fast you run it. The 32 CC also achieves plane without an abrupt hump, an ability appreciated for the clear sight lines it provides as well as for being related to this boat’s ability to maintain plane at just 11.8 knots. Staying on top at slow speed is appreciated for maintaining steerage in rough weather or while running in the dark. Hard-over turns with the twin, Yamaha F300 outboards turning 5,000 rpm proved the boat will tolerate overexuberant helmspersons (or emergency maneuvers).
As to its mission, the 32 CC rates as a luxury SUV, though that image falls short given that a truck simply takes you to activities while the 32 CC is integral to all kinds of fun. It’s fitted with a leaning post that deftly incorporates a grill with a livewell and tackle stowage with space for a buffet. The C-shaped bow lounge is luxuriously upholstered — in a material that will resist sun, salt, fish blood and spilled drinks. Clever rod stowage hides to starboard. Beneath the port lounge is an insulated fish box that also serves as a cooler or general stowage. Like all boxes aboard the 32 CC, this one drains directly overboard for safety and convenience. There’s a table to serve crew seated here, and the genius of connecting the center-console to the port side of the boat becomes apparent when you see how much space that adds to this bow lounge — and to the cabin.
Check out this video to experience a unique feature of the Hunt 32 CC!
We walked down, rather than climbed, belowdecks to discover a bright space that immediately dispelled any notions we may have had about using words such as cave, dank or cramped as descriptors. A pleasant space into which crew can retreat proves essential to the day-boat mission. Here, we were pleased at the flood of sunlight pouring in through the fixed, flush-mounted window across the front face of the console. An opening port ensures ventilation. The single berth and a microwave-equipped “galley-ette” provide a just-right amount of domesticity. To privatize the head, Hunt utilized a bifold door, rather than a bulkhead and door. Open, this hides the commode and cabin space is increased. Closed, you have as much privacy as you can expect aboard a 32-footer.
Comparable Model: Southport 33 FE