Fertig and Garvin’s Skater 399
Manufacturer – Skater Powerboats
Model – 399 V-hull
Material – Carbon/Kevlar
Engines – Twin 5.9L, 480hp Cummins
Transmissions – ZF Two speeds
Drives – Arneson #8s
Props – Precision Works 19 x 44
Electronics – Simrad NSS Integrated Navigation system with satellite weather Performance
Fast cruise – 78mph @ 2mpg (light load)
Top speed – 84mph (light load)

Fertig and Garvin’s Skater 399

Fertig and Garvin’s Skater 399
Winslow Ultralight 5 person offshore racing life raft
4 Iridium satellite phones
2 Delorme two-way text messenger/trackers
2 406mhz EPIRBs

Fertig and Garvin’s Skater 399

Bermuda Challenge 2013

Bermuda Challenge 2013

Bermuda Challenge 2013
Winslow Ultralight 5 person offshore racing life raft
4 Iridium satellite phones
2 Delorme two-way text messenger/trackers
2 406mhz EPIRBs

Fertig and Garvin’s Skater 399

Fertig and Garvin’s Skater 399

Bermuda Challenge 2013

Fertig and Garvin’s Skater 399
Water maker
Hand held GPS, VHF radio and Sat phone
Dye packs
Chem lights
Duck tape and zip ties
Safety knife
Rescue tape
50′ of 550 parachute cord
Strobe light
Full medical kit including surgical staple gun
Full damage control kit including hull plugs
Chris Fertig and his navigator Tyson Garvin pulled out of Liberty Landing Marina in New York Harbor this morning at 7:51 a.m. So marks the start of their attempt to shatter the Bermuda Challenge record set last year by Fabio Buzzi.
Fertig, if you remember, originally broke the record last summer in a Statement Marine 37 powered by MerCruiser TDI diesel engines only to see Buzzi beat it a few weeks later.
Undaunted, Fertig and Garvin secured sponsorship for their new Skater 399 powered with Twin Cummins diesels and Arneson surface drives. (For more on their boat, click here.)
Follow along with our live action tracking and video feed, located here.