Belzona 325 Center Console

Belzona 325 Center Console

Belzona 325 Center Console

Belzona 325 Center Console

Belzona 325 Center Console

Belzona 325 Center Console

Belzona 325 Center Console

Belzona 325 Center Console
We Say: From afar the Belzona 325 Center Console looks like another in a line of rugged and well-built center-consoles coming out of Florida. But closer inspection reveals that this is unique and one of the most intriguing boats to hit the market in a while.
On test day, we stepped aboard through the gunwale doors that slide aft rather than swing open as on other boats. The doors slide on stainless-steel trolleys 40 inches apart that mate with the self-lubricating track. Both doors proved rattle-free and watertight.
The doors are just two of the 76 molded parts on this boat. Another standout is the cockpit drainage system of molded-in slits on the transom in lieu of scuppers. The hardtop is also impressive, supported by the windshield frame and a fiberglass beam that’s built into the leaning post.
The 325 has 22 degrees of transom deadrise, but it rides on a flat delta pad similar to a bass boat’s. This helps it both plane quickly and hold plane at low speeds (15.7 mph on test day) and exceed 53 mph on the top end.
The designers have a few minor kinks to work out, notably adding a proper grab rail to the leaning post so passengers can hold on, but Belzona plans to address this.
Who’d Want One: Any angler/diver looking for a versatile center-console.
Another Choice: The Intrepid 327 ($220,000 with twin Yamaha F300s) has a more traditional dive door.
Bottom Line: $285,336; belzonamarine.com