We Say: Displacing 3,330 pounds and sporting 21 degrees of transom deadrise, Glastron’s GLS 215 possesses the inertia to keep the motion easy and a deep-V to smooth the way. But my test also proved how construction features can enhance ride quality.
Glastron adhesively bonds a one-piece fiberglass stringer grid into the GLS 215. This creates a stiff structure more typical of an offshore boat than a runabout. Combined with injected foam, this results in that intangible ride characteristic that just plain makes a boat feel solid and right in choppy water.
Like many deep-Vs, the GLS 215 attains plane abruptly and would definitely benefit from the addition of trim tabs. Taken in balance with all the other standards, this gripe pales. Besides, tabs are easy add-ons.
The helm is nonglare and features bullet-style gauges. Massive stowage for a cooler is built-in aft, and the cockpit upholstery is top-notch, quick-drying, firmly padded vinyl. Helm chairs are open-back swivel seats, and the hull graphics are sporty. Pop-up cleats grace the platform, as does a lid to conceal the boarding ladder. With its standard trailer, the GLS 215 comes ready to roll, proving this is a sharp buy with a sharp hull.
Who’d Want One: Boaters seeking a performance-oriented runabout.
Another Choice: Take Monterey’s sexy 204FS ($46,929) for a spin.
Bottom Line: $40,826; glastron.com