Pontoons For Sale
The traditional winter boat show season is underway and shows are a great place to find ideas or frustration relative to your present pontoon boat. The latest, greatest boats, accessories and innovations are on full display at these events, and if you are one of those owners who simply must have the latest nautical gizmo, the shows are the place to find them. If exercising that latest, greatest option requires buying an entirely new pontoon boat, the shows are the place to shop as well.
That’s where the frustration fits in: if you are not in a position to purchase a new boat yet you see everything from wet bars and pop-up changing stations to timed, aerated, recirculating livewells offered on the latest models, it can give you a bit of ‘toon envy. It reminds me of earlier days, when my fellow single friends would thumb through certain magazines that were popular with young men who considered themselves “players.” I never succumbed to the page-turning and centerfold study, for I found no joy – and plenty of frustration — in looking at something I couldn’t have. Nor did I join them when my buddies started frequenting certain dance clubs, for the same reason.
Not so boat shows. I love ’em — and attend every nautical exhibition I can. Even though there is plenty for sale along those aisles that I will never afford to own, I still like looking and dreaming and putting myself aboard those dream boats. Same with boating magazines; I can study the latest issue of Boating from cover to cover and not suffer a hint of envy or angst. At least until editor Falvey starts inserting boat of the month centerfolds. THAT could be trouble.
Looking to buy a pontoon boat? Click here to read all of our PONTOON BOAT REVIEWS.