MIAMI — The Coast Guard continues to reopen ports throughout the southeastern United States following Hurricane Irma.
Below is list of all ports in the Coast Guard’s Seventh District and their current port status
Despite ports being open, mariners are urged to use caution while transiting waters in areas impacted by Hurricane Irma. Following hurricanes and other tropical weather systems aids to navigation are often missing or damaged. Additionally, debris is often swept out to sea from wind and storm surge. Mariners are asked to report any missing or damaged aids to navigation and debris that may pose a danger to safe navigation to the Coast Guard via VHF FM marine radio channel 16 or by contacting the nearest Coast Guard sector.
Open with restrictions: All areas south of Jones Boatyard open
Open with restrictions – Hurricane Condition IV
Port Everglades Open with no restrictions
[Port of Fernandina](/Port of Fernandina)
Open – [Port Condition IV](/Port Condition IV)
Port Fort Pierce Open with no restrictions
Open – [Port Condition IV](/Port Condition IV)
Port Key West Closed
Open with restrictions – Port Condition IV
Open with no restrictions
Port Palm Beach Open with no restrictions
Open with restrictions – Port Condition IV
Open with restricitons – Port Condition
Puerto Rico
All ports in the San Juan area of responsibility are open with no restrictions with the exceptions below:
Guayama -Only tug and barges, no ships greater than 500 gross tons and no deep draft vessels
Christiansted, St. Croix – Daylight only
St. John, Cruz Bay, U.S. Virgin Islands – Ferry traffic only
St. Thomas, Redhook, U.S. Virgin Islands – Ferry traffic only
South Carolina
Open with no restrictions
Open with no restrictions
Open with no restrictions
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U.S. Coast Guard Hurricane Irma Response News
FEMA Hurricane Irma Resources Official U.S. Coast Guard Hurricane Irma video and imagery