Cruising Boats

Find cruiser boat tests, photo galleries and videos of cruising boats, plus cruising boat buying information, boat tests and more.

Sessa C44 running near shore

Boat Test: 2025 Sessa C44

The Sessa C44 is a stylish express cruiser that offers excellent performance and a plush ride along with Italian luxury.

Whether your idea of a cruiser is a salty trawler, a sleek express cruiser, or a smaller cabin cruising boat such as a cuddy cabin or mid-cabin style,  you’ll find the information here to make better boat buying decisions with regard to cruising boats. Boating’s Certified Boat Tests include performance data, cruising boat pricing–current at date of publication–and detailed descriptions of layout and features. Best of all, our experienced editors, the world’s foremost powerboat experts, deliver insightful commentary, including providing a comparison boat that will help you better understand where the test boat fits in the marketplace. Whether you’re looking for an offshore cruising boat, or a river cruising boat; or whether you want to buy the best cruising boat over 40 feet or under 30 feet, the boat test reviews found here will help make you a more informed boat buyer.


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