12/1/2015 12:00:00 AM | General Government Relations
Meeting its legally required deadline, the EPA finalized the 2014, 2015 and 2016 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) volume obligations on Monday. While the ruling falls short of the worst-case scenario, it still mandates the breaking of the “blend wall” in 2016—due to this ruling, more ethanol, largely in the form of E15, will be required across the country’s fuel supply. This remains problematic for boat owners and marine businesses as these higher blends of ethanol will damage engines, present grave safety concerns and void warranties.

In its rulemaking, the EPA acknowledged the comments and testimony from the NMMA and thousands of other industry supporters who found fault in the agency’s calculations of demand for ethanol-free gasoline (E0). NMMA disagrees with the EPA’s continued assertion that E0 is not a major fuel option and contends that anecdotal evidence from marina owners, boaters and other industry personnel proves that E0 remains the preferred fuel choice for recreational marine engines. NMMA and our coalition of supporters remain committed to educating the public on the many dangers of the ethanol mandate, while advocating Congress and the Administration to fix this failed policy.