My grandfather told me, “Take care of your equipment, and it’ll take care of you.” Use these tips to take care of your rods and reels on the boat so that they always serve you well.
Secure for Running
Avoid laying your outfits on the deck. Stow your rods in vertical rod holders, in an undergunwale rack or in a rod locker.
Reel Covers
Many reels come with neoprene covers to prevent scratches and dings. You can buy reel covers in various sizes for casting and spinning reels for around $6 to $8. Check them out at cabelas.com.
Rod Gloves
Made from expandable nylon web, rod gloves slide over the fishing rod to protect delicate line guides and the finish. They are easy to put on and take off, and can be folded up and stowed just about anywhere. They sell for $4.95 each. Check them out at tackledirect.com.
Use a Keeper
Avoid securing your hooks and lures on a rod guide or the bail of a spinning reel. And don’t reel the lure or hook to the end of the rod. These things can crack ceramic line guides, damage fishing line and scratch finishes. Use a “keeper” — a small ring at the base of some rods — or the space under the hood of the reel stand to secure hooks.