
Anchor Saver

The Anchor Saver can help avoid anchor snags.

This cable and clamp affair looks like a bit of a contraption, but we put it on our new Fortress anchor — just like the one we snagged on rocks a few months ago, costing us about $300 in anchor, chain and rode. The device replaces some boaters’ practice of hooking their chain to the mud palm at the bottom of the anchor and zip-tying it to the shank and eye. Anchor Saver is more elegant, reliable and effective, we think. If the anchor snags, upward pressure by the motor sheers a brass pin and releases the shank so that the device, still attached to the mud palm, can easily pull the anchor out backwards. Quickly installing a replacement sheer pin restores the anchor.

Some curmudgeonly captains claimed it was unsafe and would prevent hookups. We found the latter to be untrue. In five anchoring attempts, we hooked up in all but one — not far from the record of an unequipped fluke anchor. We can’t say it might not come loose in a changing wind or tide, but can’t that be said of any anchoring set? In either case, we’d recommend keeping a night watch or using the anchorage alarm warning on your GPS — and using this device in snaggy anchoring grounds. $49.99 to $139.99;
