The Christmas Gift Clock is ticking. The last day to ship a gift and have it arrive in time for Christmas 2024 falls between December 20 and December 23, depending upon the carrier, the level of service selected, and the “to” and “from” locations.
To help you choose a great last-minute boating gift we compiled this list of items. We think all of these gifts apply to most boaters and that know that some of these boating gifts can absolutely still arrive on time for Christmas 2024.
See Our Full Gift Guide Here: Best Gifts for Boat Owners This Holiday Season
Always Ready for Instant Delivery
BoatU.S. Membership or Towing Membership
Gift a BoatU.S. Membership! Members save money at more than 1,200 local businesses and receive a full year of expert advice from BoatU.S. Magazine, free MMSI registration, and much more. Upgrade to a Towing Membership for 24/7 on-water assistance from TowBoatU.S. — the largest and best towing fleet in the business! $25 for Basic Membership, $99-$200 for Towing Membership;
SeaTow Membership
Give the boater on your list the gift of confidence! SeaTow members are covered for boat towing, fuel delivery, jump starts, covered un-groundings, oil/ parts delivery, disentanglements and more, on every boat they own, rent or bareboat charter, in over 500 ports. The SeaTow Gold Card(for fresh and saltwater) is $249 while the Lake Card (freshwater only; excludes AK, FL, HI, PR)is $169.

Gas/Fuel Card
What boater wouldn’t like the gift of fuel? (Sailboaters not included) Find out what brand station or marina your boater patronizes and get them a fuel card to show you care. This gift keeps on giving with every fill-up!

BOATING Subscription
When you give the boater on your list a subscription to BOATING, you are giving a gift that keeps on giving all year long. You’ll be giving hundreds of articles packed with boat and marine accessory advice ranging from boat buying to bottom painting and accessory installation to advanced navigation. Yep, BOATING has boaters covered from Anchors to Zincs! One Year (8 issues plus our Boat Buyers Guide and our Pontoon Buyers Guide) is just $19.00 for digital and $29.00 for print and digital. Print and Digital for two years is $45.00. Purchase here.
Likely In-Stock at Most Retailers

Fuel Treatment
Fuel Stabilizer is almost always in stock. Boaters must take special care of their fuel and fuel system. Using stabilizer or treatment such as Star brite Star tron is essential to fuel’s care and maintenance. These products are almost always in-stock at marine retailers. It is a gift that your boater will appreciate with every fill-up. Each ounce treats many gallons of fuel. $13.99 at for a 16-oz. bottle (treats 125 gal. of fuel);

Maintenance Bucket
Boater’s love buckets. A bucket can carry ice, gear and more. Whether you buy one, or source one for free (pickle buckets are our fave!), a bucket filled with boat soap, some rags, a sponge, a scrubrush… you get the idea…makes a great gift any boater will appreciate. Trust us. Price varies.