Bermuda Challenge Update
In August 2012, Chris Fertig and Tyson Garvin set a new Bermuda Challenge record in a Mercury Diesel Powered Statement Marine 37 SUV. Six weeks later, their record was smashed when Fabio Buzzi, in a boat of his own design powered by FPT diesel, entered Town Cut Channel, Bermuda.
The Full Account Of The Bermuda Challenge
Both Challenge teams showed good sportsmanship, congratulating each other publicly.
Now Fertig and Garvin are sea-trialing another boat for another go at the Bermuda Challenge record.
The duo wouldn’t disclose the type of boat, its propulsion or even the location at which the trials are taking place. But we can tell from certain things from this video that the pair made BOATING privy to.
It’s obvious the boat is powered by surface drives of some sort, as footage of the props is shown. From the wake, we can tell its V-hull. And based on umpteen years testing boats, I’d bet my captain’s license that the location is Biscayne Bay, Florida.
Fertig and Garvin are keeping tight wraps on their new campaign, the only quote they’d go on record with was: “Stay tuned.”
Takeaway: Most ocean powerboat races and endurance events take place along the coast. The Bermuda Challenge requires navigating hundreds of miles of open sea.