We applied Pettit Trinidad XSR to the bottom of one of our boats in order to test it. After seven months stored in a saltwater creek thriving with marine plant and animal life, we can say the results were great and we can recommend Pettit XSR.
Of course, just who would we recommend Pettit XSR to? Most antifouling coatings can provide at least moderate protection for some boaters, but may fall well short of expectations for other boaters. The reason for that seeming incongruity is that the effectiveness of an antifouling coating is dependent upon many factors. Obvious are things such as the exact location, the condition of the water, and the speed of the boat. Less obvious are things that include whether the boat will be hauled and re-launched (some paints lose effectiveness after hauling out) and how much sunlight the hull receives (sunlight exacerbates plant growth). Do you beach the boat at a sandbar? If so, an “effective” ablative paint, which can easily rub off, recommended by your buddy who never beaches his boat, might not work as well for you. And, so on.
So, what kind of boater can we recommend Pettit XSR for? Consider these attributes and apply them to your boating style.
Trinidad XSR is a hard bottom paint, meaning the protection isn’t dependent upon the coating wearing away. That makes it good for those who beach their boats, haul out their boats or need to scrub the waterline due to scum accumulation.
Trinidad XSR is warranted to provide 24 months of protection when in the water. This makes it a great choice for boaters who do not haul annually, such as liveaboards and cruisers.
Trinidad XSR uses a triple biocide formula (Econea, ZPT and Copper Thyocyanate) that allows the use of less copper… a heavy metal. That makes it more appealing to boaters seeking a more environmentally-friendly than other paints with a higher copper content.
Trinidad XSR can be hauled out and remain active. This gives boaters who alternate between land storage and wet storage more options. If it’s been out for 2-3 years and looks dull, scuff it to re-activate it. After just winter, if the product still looks great, launch! If it’s been out of the water for 5 years, go ahead and put on a fresh coat.
Trinidad XSR’s efficacy is not dependent upon boat use. Its triple-biocide, extreme protection formula is just as effective at the dock as it is underway. So boaters who just can’t get out that much would benefit from Trinidad XSR.

Trinidad XSR can be used on underwater metals, including aluminum. That makes it great for owner’s aluminum boat hulls, as well as wood or fiberglass boat owners needing protection for drives, trim tabs and more.
Who might not choose Trinidad XSR?
Trinidad XSR is more expensive—not than “comparable” paints—but is in the realm of higher-performing, higher- priced anti-fouling coatings. Therefore, boaters looking to spend less as a primary consideration, may choose another paint…including other Pettit paints…and get different performance in exchange for the different price.
Trinidad’s XSR’s triple biocide formula makes it absolutely imperative that it is mixed properly prior to use. Our gallon was well-clotted, and required being placed on a shaker at a hardware store two days before use. We then subsequently mixed with a drill motor mixer on the day of application. (A complete mix can be accomplished without shaking—read the label) So, boaters not willing to adhere to a strict set of application and prep guidelines might choose a different paint.

Pettit Trinidad XSR covers 435 square-feet per gallon, applied as we did, using a low-nap (3/8”) roller. It can be launched after It comes in four colors (black, red, blue and green). As of May 2024, at Jamestown Distributors it retails for $411 per gallon.
For complete details, product application instructions and more, visit: pettitpaint.com.
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