You can take every precaution imaginable to protect your phone from water, but what good does that do if it falls in the water from your shorts? These new athletic shorts from Kippo are designed to keep your cellphone secure and handy while exercising, but users have been reporting a secondary benefit — the shorts keep your phone in place on a boat. Intrigued, I decided to try a pair on for size.
They are definitely an athletic cut — I’ve been wearing them to play tennis — and, though not intended to be a bathing suit, they dried quickly after I wore them in the water. (I had to remember to take my phone out of the pocket first.) The shorts have an elastic waistband for a comfortable fit, with drawstrings to adjust the fit. I tested the two-pocket version — Kippo has since come out with a four-pocket pair to fit your wallet and so forth. During all the bouncing on boats and running around while wearing them, my phone has stayed secure and safe. $59; kipposhorts.com