Editor’s Note BOATING considers boating safety a priority. Regular visitors, readers, fans and friends know that we create safety content all-year long. But we especially want to raise awareness this week. You can help: share this article–and more boating safety content–with your friends and family. Whether you do this via email, social media or in-person ( leading by example is always best!) you’ll be doing your part to help make the waters safer for all
The Safe Boating Campaign kicks off the weekend before Memorial Day with National Safe Boating Week and continues throughout the year with various events and activities. Find Partners in your local community who support the Safe Boating Campaign and find out how you can get involved in outreach events. Remember, any time you’re boating, set an example for others and always wear a life jacket and boat responsibly. Join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter

National Safe Boating Week kicks off with Wear Your Lifejacket To Work Day!