Smelling like the Clubman talc that a barber uses on your neck, Salt Off arrived with a letter espousing its efficacy. I had the perfect test. After a day offshore, my flag-blue boat looked bleach-splattered. I sprayed Salt Off on the port side and left the starboard side unadorned. Blasting the boat with the hose, I watched the salt run off the treated side. The starboard side required the usual wiping with soapy water.
Salt Off contains PTEF, which prevents salt from sticking, so it’s a preventive as well as a remedy. Now I use it on my fishing gear and even flush my engine with it. The Salt Off applicator easily connects to the dock hose. Available in gallons ($35), quarts ($14), 22-ounce premixed spray bottles ($10) and a quart kit with the mixing applicator ($29).