Sooner or later, it happens to everybody, regardless of their boating experience. If you’re prone to seasickness, here are three preventions and treatments to consider to ease the quease.
The Calm: A simple dose of over-the-counter Dramamine is the standby for boaters who are prone to getting ill on wavy days. It’s known and trusted by many to be effective in preventing seasickness if taken via pill or patch. The active ingredient, dimenhydrinate, is an antihistamine that helps reduce feelings of nausea and dizziness when taken properly.
The Storm: The original Dramamine is known to cause drowsiness. Must be taken in advance to work.
Price: $10 for a pack of 36; amazon.com
The Calm: Want a solution that doesn’t involve ingesting something? This is a high-tech wearable device that’s waterproof to IPX7 standards and is rugged enough to handle a marine environment. It works by sending pulses to the underside of your wrist to help calm your feelings of motion sickness, either as prevention or for treatment after the fact. The rechargeable battery reportedly lasts for 30 hours of medium use.
The Storm: It’s an expensive solution to your seasickness problem.
Price: $229.99; reliefband.com
Read Next: Getting a Smooth Ride in Rough Seas
Prince of Peace Ginger Chews
The Calm: Remember when you felt queasy as a kid and your mom gave you a ginger ale? It wasn’t just for the fizz. Ginger is known in traditional and folk medicines to help combat feelings of motion sickness and an upset stomach. For those of you more inclined to go the herbal or natural route rather than gadgets or over-the-counter medicines, ginger might be the ticket for you.
The Storm: Let’s just say it’s an acquired taste.
Price: $7 for a 4-ounce (pack of 2); amazon.com