There was a time when you needed a separate transducer for each new type of sonar technology, be it CHIRP or scanning sounders. Those days are disappearing quickly, thanks to developments such as the new TotalScan transducer from Navico.
TotalScan combines CHIRP, side-scanning StructureScan HD and down-looking DownScan imaging sonar capabilities into one compact, affordable transom-mount transducer. It is compatible with multifunction displays from Lowrance, such as the HDS Gen3, and Simrad, including the NSS and NSO evo2 displays. Navico is the parent company of both the Lowrance and Simrad brands.
With all three sonar capabilities in one transducer, boaters can view fish with greater definition and less interference with CHIRP sonar, plus see photolike images of structure elements, such as wrecks and reefs, on both sides of the boat with StructureScan HD. You can see photolike images directly beneath your boat with DownScan sonar technology.
Unlike some other CHIRP sonar transducers, TotalScan is relatively inexpensive ($299 MSRP). Its transom-mount orientation makes it easy to install and eliminates interference issues on boat trailers. To learn more, visit lowrance.com or simrad-yachting.com.