The full name is a mouthful: Sta-Bil 360 Marine Ethanol Fuel Treatment and Stabilizer. I added it to the E10 gasoline in my boat’s fuel tank just prior to winter layup. Come spring, my engine started right up and ran fine, and after four months, no water has shown up in the fuel filter collection bowl.
Confident performance is what I’d expected, since I’d used Sta-Bil’s regular Marine Formula in the past with good results. Sta-Bil 360 Marine differs from that original formula in that it also releases a corrosion-blocking vapor that is said to preserve fuel system components — even those not submerged in or covered by fuel. This we could not test for.
Add one ounce of Sta-Bil 360 Marine Ethanol Fuel Treatment to every 10 gallons of fuel at every fill-up; mix one ounce into five gallons for long-term storage. It’s available in 12-ounce ($24.99) and 40-ounce ($49.99) bottles at