What Boaters Say Winner August 2013
Cheaters can be found everywhere, fans and friends. Even among the close cadre of compadres that is the Boating community. It’s unfortunate, but as a result, we are announcing that the REAL winner of this month’s What Boaters Say contest is Debra Peterson.
We have decided to disqualify the previously announced winner.
In answer to the question, “What’s your favorite boating beverage?” Debra nailed 31 votes for her image and caption. Her caption read: Beer is the way to go when boating and doesn’t matter what kind, but I like them “Domestic, Light, and Cold!” -Dierks Bentley
Debra is shown drinking double-fisted, but she’s standing in the water, as one might while anchored at the sandbar. We’ll take that to mean Debra doesn’t drink while at the helm—a good thing, in our view.
This month we also learned the value of this clause in our contest rules:
Mechanically reproduced or potentially fraudulent votes, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion, will be discarded and may result in the disqualification of the entry.
Submit entries to the What Boaters Say contest, and view past winners.